When are tax bills available? How much will my tax bill be?
Winter tax bills are payable December 1 through February 28. Summer tax bills are payable July 1 through August 10. Both current tax and late tax payments are accepted at City Hall through February 28, subject to a penalty fee. After February 28, taxes are payable through the Wayne County Treasurers office only. For late payments, please contact the Wayne County Treasurer at https://www.waynecounty.com/elected/treasurer/pay-taxes-online.aspx
We are unable to give tax amounts until we receive the millage rates from our tax entities. Unless there is a sale of the property, the amount of your taxable value is increased by the rate of inflation each year.
Can I pay my tax bill and water bill on the same check?
If necessary, though it is not preferred. Please include both bill payment stubs (or provide account number/parcel number to credit) with the check to ensure proper allocation of funds.
If my address says Plymouth, does this mean I am a City of Plymouth resident?
Not necessarily. The Plymouth mailing address is used by both the City of Plymouth and Plymouth Township. If you are a Township resident, please contact them at http://www.plymouthtwp.org/ or (734) 453-3840. The City Plymouth Township’s property identification number begins with '78’. If your Property Identification number begins with '49’, it is located in the City of Plymouth.
Why is my water bill higher than my neighbor’s?
Several factors are included in calculating your water bill. This includes but may not be limited to meter size, service charge, water rate, sewer rate, minimum usage, minimum bill with/without trash cart, trash fee. For related inquiries, please contact City Hall.
What are the fees for a passport?
Fees include the application fee and the execution/acceptance fee, which require separate checks because they go to different places. Amounts vary and can be viewed at https://travel.state.gov.
I received a tax bill for my business, but I moved out this year. Why am I still getting this bill?
A tax bill is generated for a personal property business that was at the location as of December 31. All businesses in the City on December 31 will receive a summer and winter bill for the entire year.