Bulk Leaf Collection
Published on Oct 15, 2021 12:16

The City of Plymouth Department of Municipal Services will begin bulk leaf collection on Monday, October 18 in Area C, which includes all the streets south of Ann Arbor Tr. and west of Main Street. 

Refer to the map below for your area's collection weeks.

Residents are required to have leaves neatly raked to the curb by 7:00 a.m. on the Monday of your designated week.  Leaf pickup starts the Monday of your designated week, but may take all week to complete.  City crews will only be by once during your week.

Please do not place grass clippings, branches/limbs, corn stalks, pumpkins, etc. into the street with leaves as this can break our equipment and harm our crew.

Please do not place leaf piles over storm drains. Plugged grates will cause flooding. Please take special care to keep grates free of leaves.

Thank you for following these guidelines to make this season's leaf collection as efficient as possible.

If you have any questions contact Municipal Services at (734) 453-7737 or [email protected].